Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's been a while

Nothing poetic, today. (Like there ever is...) Just keeping a low profile, since the economy is shot to hell. But I must say that I am SO looking forward to going to Las Vegas this summer. We're going to escape our reality, as we know it, for a little while. For the record, Brian and I love our reality, but sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace and scenery.

As a matter of fact, I am looking forward to spring break and I am staying home. Having a brief vacation from work is so very necessary. I know the kids are looking forward to it, too.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ok, I created a facebook page. Now, I have two pages to manage!! When?! I guess on these nights I choose not to grade papers until it's too late. I suppose I will have some more caffeine and get my work done, that is if I get myself off of this computer. Anyway, check out my page on facebook.

We are counting down the days until Christmas break. Caroline in particular is ready for vacation; kindergarten has worn her out! She prefers to do things as she wants, rather than when they want her to. Meredith is excited... Saturday she will be in the Christmas Parade on the Brownie's float and then she's going caroling with them that evening. I just want to sleep past 5:30 am on a weekday! :)

Stay warm, it's about to get super cold!!